
Showing posts from December, 2020

Rupees based Astrology services-Ask Josiyar

  Are you spending lot of money for getting the right prediction?Want to get the correct astrology prediction within your budget? HERE IS THE RIGHT PATH....     Astrology is a pseudoscience that claims to divine information about human affairs and terrestrial events by studying the movements and relative positions of celestial objects.    The website provides cheap and best survice for Rs.50,Rs.100,Rs.250,Rs.500,Rs.1000 and  services under VIP.     Services under Rs.50/-     * Finding the correct wedding match     * Answering to your question through Vetrilai jothidam     * Predicting good time for special functions and poojas.     *Finding horoscope match     Services under Rs.100/-     * Prasanna Jothidam      * Finding the correct wedding              match     * Tosha Remedy     *Kulandhai baakiyam Services under Rs.250/-       *  Subamugurtha Prediction       *  Ashtamangala Prasannam        *  Dheva Prasannam       * Vetrilai jothidam      * Obstacles in marriage

Services from Kerala Josiyars - Ask Josiyar

  Astrology is the  divination of the supposed influences of the stars and planets on human affairs and terrestrial events by their positions and aspects. All the people in the world are not satisfied with what they have.So,they approach an astrologer for leading an wealthy life. Kerala josiyars from website helps in completing the remedies for particular problems. The remedies were like to be performing, * Sudharsana homam  * Maha soolini homam * Navagraha pooja * Sarppa poojai (Naga poojai) * Mrithunjyam pooja * Navagraha homam * Santhana gopala homam * Hayagreeva homam. * Chandiha havanam pooja * Bagavathi seva (Devi pooja) * Ganapahi homam etc... Sudharsana homam:         Sudarshana Homam   is in the form of Chakra or disc in the right hand of Vishnu Devaru and Krishna Devaru, it protects one from their enemies and destroys evil drishti. This homa is performed to eradicate and overcome obstacles caused by enemies and protects the person from evil drishti.        Suda

Nadi Astrology

  ·            ·     An ancient form of astrology practised in southern India,   Nadi Astrology is based on the belief   that the past, present and the future lives of all humans were foreseen and    recorded on palm leaves by Hindu sages in ancient time. ·             ·     Nadi Astrology is practiced in the Tamil Nadu region as well as  Kerala and other adjacent areas  in South India. ·         Simply put, it is an ancient method of recording data. Over the ages, people have come to  believe that a thousand years ago, great Indian sages were granted a boon – to look into every human being’s past, present and future lives. ·       They had to power to   look into the lives of people were not only dead, living but also those  who were yet to  be born! ·           ·  A temple town called Vaithiswaran temple, located in Tamilnadu is the brain center of the Nadi  tradition surrounded by so many temples of greatsignificance. ·          · The entire village reverberates with t