Services from Kerala Josiyars - Ask Josiyar

  Astrology is the  divination of the supposed influences of the stars and planets on human affairs and terrestrial events by their positions and aspects.

All the people in the world are not satisfied with what they have.So,they approach an astrologer for leading an wealthy life.

Kerala josiyars from website helps in completing the remedies for particular problems.

The remedies were like to be performing,

* Sudharsana homam 

* Maha soolini homam

* Navagraha pooja

* Sarppa poojai (Naga poojai)

* Mrithunjyam pooja

* Navagraha homam

* Santhana gopala homam

* Hayagreeva homam.

* Chandiha havanam pooja

* Bagavathi seva (Devi pooja)

* Ganapahi homam etc...

Sudharsana homam:


Sudarshana Homam  is in the form of Chakra or disc in the right hand of Vishnu Devaru and Krishna Devaru, it protects one from their enemies and destroys evil drishti. This homa is performed to eradicate and overcome obstacles caused by enemies and protects the person from evil drishti.

       Sudarshana homa is performed by invoking Sudarshana devaru followed by the chanting mantras and then the homa is performed as per shastras and vidhi.

Benefits of Sudarshana Homa:

  A powerful remedy for a person who is severely affected by evil drishti, evil spirits, and black magic.Protects us from our direct or indirect enemies and saves us from evil.Performing this homa will help one attain high financial status in life and empower one with high self-esteem.Protects us from all our problems and one shall be blessed with a happy life.

      The date can be fixed as per one's Janma nakshatra along with the yoga and thithi of that particular date. Saturdays, Ekadashi & Poornima are proved to beneficial to perform homa.This can be done by the kerala josiyars from website.

Maha soolini homam:

  Goddess Shoolini Durga protects her devotees from all misfortunes. She rescues you from enemies and protects wealth and assets. She controls the mind and physique. She gives plenty of knowledge and wisdom and blesses your children. She appears immediately to the call of her devotees. She is difficult to approach but through rituals like homam, one can get closer to her. She cures all types of fever that includes body imbalance.

Benefits of Goddess Shoolini Durga Homam

* Provides peace and tranquility to the mind

* Negates the effects of weak planets

* Impedes all negative energies

* Gives immediate results

* Very beneficial to growing kids

* Cures body and mind imbalances

Navagraha pooja:

   Navagrahas (9 planets) play a predominant role in every one's life. They revolve around SUN on a definite time frame and form one Rashi to other in a regular pre determined manner at regular intervals. This change in their position will influence and effects on the living being will decide the fate of the human being. Performing certain homam will bring significant changes in life by fixing complex issues. At the same time, it is essential to know about them properly for leading a successful life.

      Anyone who wants to get recovery from the effects of malefic planets can choose Navagraha shanthi homam for gaining better prospects. This homam primarily focuses on removing the obstacles that are mainly caused by the 9 planets. In fact, it is really a boon for those whose planets are detrimental in their horoscope. Vedic scholars will suggest to perform this homam twice in a year to witness maximum advantages.

Sarppa poojai (Naga poojai):

 The cause for Sarpa Dosha or Naga Dosha is due to the curse of the serpents. The reasons for the same is due to harm caused to them either in current or previous births that gets manifested in the form of a curse.

   The malefic planets Rahu and Kethu causes the affliction. The placement of these malefic planets in one's horoscope determines the sarpa dosha.

  Lack of Progeny, Obstacles, delays in conceiving a child, Obstacles in the marriage front, Chronic diseases, Lack of progress and prosperity in life.

Mrithunjyam pooja:

Mrityunjaya is another name of Lord Shiva who helps to conquer over untimely death in life. It is believed that people who worship and offers prayers to him can prevent premature deaths in an effective manner. This homam plays a key role in invoking powers from three different aspects of Shiva to lead a trouble free life.      
    According to Vedic scriptures, Mrityunjaya gives ways for extending the life span of a person by reducing the perils in life.

     Mrityunjaya homam is a suitable one for those who want to recover from major illnesses and diseases.It is possible to reduce accidents, injuries and heath disorders with this homam for preventing untimely death.

Santhana gopala homam:

  The Santhana Gopala Homa (Fire Lab) invokes the infant form of Lord Krishna as the chief archetype. This ritual is performed with the intention of blessing you with progeny to carry on your lineage. Childless couples who yearn for offspring and women having trouble conceiving are said to benefit immensely by performing this Fire Lab. The ritual resolves fertility problems of couples, protects expectant mothers against miscarriages and helps in the overall process of childbirth. It also helps overcome delays and complications arising due to pregnancy and ensures safe delivery of the baby.


                                                                                                           Benefits of the Santhana Gopala  homam:

* People suffering from fertility problems

* Ensures safe delivery of the child

* Parents who yearn for erudite children

* Couples who desire healthy offspring

* People who desire to start or expand a family 

* Childless couples who desire children

Hayagreeva homam:

Sri Hayagreeva is an incarnation of Lord Maha Vishnu. Hayagreeva Homam enhances knowledge and concentration.

Benefits of hayagreeva homam:

* To increase one’s concentration and Memory power.

* Lord Haygreeva is the protector of Vedas.

* Done on Poornima, Navami or any auspicious Muhurth.

* Deity Worshiped: Lord Hayagreeva.

* Tulasi leaves are important in this homam.

  Bagavathi seva (Devi pooja): 

   Bhagavathi Seva Pooja is performed for durga devi, this pooja helps in removing any kind of obstacles and difficulties, evil influences, negativeness arising in ones life.

This pooja helps in removing obstacles.

Durga devi is invoked in a big lamp.

Done during Astami, Navami, Poornima or Fridays.

Ganapahi homam :

 Ganapathi Homa also known as 'Gana Homa' is dedicated to Lord Ganesha, well known as Vighnaharata, one who removes obstacles. The start of any auspicious ceremony, poojas, homas is marked by performing Ganapathi homa first. Ganapathi homa is a Powerful remedy for a person who is passing through 'Ketu Maha Dasa or Bhukti' as per their horoscope and thereby reducing the malefic effects of Ketu graha.

For performing these kind of Homams and poojas,visit askjosiyar.comwebsite.Kerala josiyars from our website helps you to lead a happy and satisfied life.


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