Is it possible to impress others by using Vasiya Poojas ?

 Is it really possible to do Vasiyam? 

What to do for Vasiyam?

 Here is the answer ...!

Ask Josiyar website helps you in providing all instructions for vasiya poojas and guides you in all maanthrigam related activities! 

Even in this age of technological advancement, the belief in maanthrigam remains undiminished. In the past, Vasiya poojas were  a very common thing, and now this Vasiya poojas are being done to solve the problems that exist in families. Belief in maanthrigam is also said to be high in India, especially in the southern states. Putting sorcery on those who do not like him and ruining his life, and making his loved ones close to him are the two most common forms of maanthrigam. In this post we will see what are the facts behind the Vasiya poojas.

Vasiya  Pooja

There is hope that problems in our love life, marital life and personal life can be corrected with the mantras recited in the vasiya pooja.This pooja would be the best choice for those who think that somehow we should achieve what we thought. But it is doubtful whether the results will be entirely successful.

Does Vasiya poojas really help?

Many years ago, vasiya poojas were very popular  on the Indian subcontinent. It can achieve anything you want. As far as ancient India was concerned this vasiya poojas was one of the most powerful. There is a lot of evidence that people believed that this poojas would help solve problems in love life,marriage life,problems between parents and children etc...

Is this vasiya poojas related to sooniyam?


This vasiya poojas are closely related to pilli, sooniyam and maanthrigam.This is the pooja you have to do if you want to exercise control over someone. The four essential ingredients to make this vasiya poojas are betel, cloves, flowers and cloth.

Is it possible to impress others?

Many people believe that vasiya poojas will help them to reach the lover they want and succeed in love.It is hoped that this poojas will also help to reunite with her wife and husband . But its authenticity is still in doubt.

One can impress their liked ones by performing Vasiya poojas and reciting some vasiya mantras!

Visit askjosiyar website for performing the vasiya poojas for impressing the liked ones!

Book an appointment with kerala astrologers for getting the full effect of vasiya poojas.

Science and Vasiya Poojas

Science has never recognized such beliefs, but belief in them has not diminished. According to this ritual, if one wants to impress or control others, one should use items related to their body such as cloth and hair.

Vasiya mantras

Some herbs should be used while reciting some of these mantras through tantric techniques, and those ingredients used are meant to symbolize their soul and body. The benefits of this vasiya poojas are not always immediate. But it is hoped that this will definitely pay off. But there is no evidence for this other than the belief of the people.


Unlike today, in the past there were people who had blind faith in this pooja. But it has been scientifically proven that it can control the minds of others.

Controlling the mind

It is necessary to modify the nerve cells of one’s brain in order to control one’s mind. There is no other way to control others than this. It is a strong belief in our society that one can control the minds of others through mantras.

Many online astrology websites such as astrotalk,askastrologer etc helps in performing vasiya poojas but Ask Josiyar website helps in providing the best kerala astrologers for performing vasiya poojas under kerala astrology online service !


  1. Thank you for sharing this blog with us. I belive every festive and pooja have their own meaning have your ever heard about


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