Vetrilai Josiyam-AskJosiyar

Common Features Of Vetrilai

If it is a festival or special occasion at home, it is customary to invite relatives with vetrilai. No matter how many offerings are made to the deity in Hindu temples, the offering will not be complete unless the vetrilai and paaku is placed. Betel nut and pak are the features of Mahalakshmi. It is hoped that the 12 zodiac signs will resolve the anxieties to be remedied by vetrilai.

It is said that Lakshmi resides at the tip of the vetrilai, Saraswati in the middle and Goddess Parvati at the core. Mahavishnu, Brahma, Shiva and even Venus reside in the vetrilai. That is why the betel nut is created for the purpose of worship and marriage. vetrilai is also used in astrological method for prediction is called vetrilai josiyam. For best vetrilai josiyam please contact

Method Of Vetrilai josiyam

Applying or rubbing ink on the vetrilai is a kind of vetrilai josiyam and you can see it walking in front of the eye. To find the missing, to find the voodoo and evil things happen at home. You can see what happened and is going to happen like this. This method is also called  as Anjanam or Virucha Anjanam.


There is a remedy from vetrilai josiyam by using vetrilai to destroy the sufferings of the 12 zodiac signs. Let’s see how  astrologers can do that. expert astrologists will give you remedies for your all problems through vetrilai josiyam.

Aries - Taurus

 Aries zodiac sign puts mango in vetrilai and worships Murugan on Tuesday to get rid of the sufferings caused by disorders. Taurus zodiac sign should put pepper in vetrilai and worship Raku on Tuesday. Eyesight problems will go away.

 Gemini - Cancer

If the Gemini zodiac sign puts a banana in the vetrilai and worship  favourite god on Wednesday, the evil that came and the coming will run away. cancer zodiac signs put pomegranate in vetrilai and worship the goddess Kali on Friday and the difficulties will run away.

Leo - Virgo

Leo zodiac sign people if they put bananas in the vetrilai and worship the clan deity on Thursday and eat it will end the misery. Virgo zodiac sign people they put pepper in vetrilai and worship favourite god on thursday will solve the unhappiness and stress problem.

 Libra - Scorpio

If Libra zodiac people put cloves in vetrilai and worship their favorite deity on Friday, eye worries and sufferings will go away. If the Scorpio zodiac sign worships Lord Murugan with pakku on vetrilai  on Tuesday and eats, the misery will go away.

 Sagittarius - Capricorn

Sagittarius zodiac sign people worship favorite deity on Thursday by keeping kalkandu on vetrilai and eat it.worries will go.If Capricorn zodiac sign worships Goddess Kali on Saturdays by keeping achuvellam on vetrilai and eat it. worries will fly away.

 Aquarius - Pisces

Aquarius zodiac sign people should worship the goddess Kali by putting ghee on vetrilai on Saturday. Anxieties and sufferings will be resolved. Pisces zodiac sign people put sugar in vetrilai on Sunday and worship the tribal deity to cure chronic diseases. Benefit can only be obtained if any remedy is done with confidence. vetrilai josiyam prediction is helpful for solving all your life problems.If you want a solution for your life problems please visit



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