Marriage Matching For Second Marriage

 Matches required for a second marriage

When widows and divorcees remarry, it is not necessary to look at all the rules of marriage matching. For those whose first marriage has failed, a second marriage is a gift from the god, and a second marriage is possible only if the payment is good. Definitely get married only if there is a key matches for marriage matching matches. Basically at least four matches are required for marriage matching for second marriage, one of which is dhinam porutham or ganam, one of Mahendra, rasi, Nadi. Yoni and Rajju is must required.If you have any astrological doubts about your marriage matching  for second marriage please visit

Yoni Match

Yoni porutham is very important for marriage matching in the aspect of second marriage, each star is considered an animal, according to marriage matching from this match is calculated. If there is a non-hostile animal yoni match is suitable for marriage matching, if there is a hostile animal then the yoni match is not suitable between the couples for the second marriage matching process.There is no match when it comes to hostile beasts, if there is match based on domestic comfort then life will be unbridled sweet. There is a match if it is moderate without being perfect, it should not be just bad.

Rajju Match

Rajju match is the most important match for marriage matching among ten matches, nine out of ten matches are matching but if the rajju match is not available. please do not get married. because rajju match for marriage matching especially for second marriage it is very very important.

House For Second Marriage

The ninth house of the second marriage in the janana jathagam and the marriage life will be better only if the astrological sign Mars or Venus is better. It is special to look at the janana jathagam match perfectly and get married.

Sevvai Dosham

Sevvai Dosham is the presence of Lord sevvai at 2, 4, 7, 8, 12 at lagnam. Not only in Lagnam, but also in the Moon, Venus and 2, 4, 7, 8, 12 places of janana jathagam, sevvai has Dosham. sevvai dosham is seen as very important when looking for a marriage matching. It is an astrological rule that if a person has a sevvai dosham, he should married to a partner having sevvai dosham.

Marrying without looking sevvai defects in janana jathagam before marriage can definitely create lot of problems in their married life during the sevvai dasha starts so it is very important to look before marriage is there sevvai dosham in janana jathagam matching in the process of marriage matching horoscope for marriage.

But this sevvai dosham does not currently have a major impact on life. If a person is in a special position of Mars in the janana jathagam or in their own homes, along with the auspicious planets, they will not have a sevvai defect.This sevvai defect can be remedied through worship. Those born in Katakam and Simham Laknam do not have Mars defect. If Mars is associated with planets like Guru, Venus, Moon and Mercury, there is no harm.So it is very important and necessary to look all the marriage matching points and analysis of sevvai dosham in janana jathagam before second marriage. Not only for second marriage. It is very important in the  process of marriage in every one's life. For this important step in marriage and analysis of marriage matching and sevvai dosham in janana jathagam please visit askjosiyar website experienced astrologers they will help you.



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